There is a need to ensure that children (normally people aged under 18 years old) are prevented from accessing pornographic content online. More and more countries are introducing laws that require commercial providers of pornography to age verify any one attempting to view such sites; whether free to view tour material (samples at the front of a site) or purchasing a subscription/membership to access a secure area of a site to view the explicit content. For example, The 'Digital Economy Act 2017' (DEA), is a law introduced by the UK Government that includes measures to help prevent children from accessing pornographic content online. Part 3 of the DEA requires providers of online commercial pornography to ensure that their content is not normally accessible to under 18s in the UK by using age-verification.
Who does it apply to?
Anyone of any age trying to access a commercial pornographic website such as this one in a location any where in the world that has laws requiring age verification. It applies to IP addresses and VPNs.
How do you verify my age?
A third party company is used. There are companies providing age assurance solutions for online businesses selling age-sensitive products and services. An example is
What ID do I need to verify my age and what information do these companies hold on me once I've registered?
Typically you'll be asked to provide any of the following: Government-issued ID, credit card and mobile phone number. No personal data is held by Age Verification (AV) companies and they do not know or track your online activity; once a check is completed and age verification approved (or not), the data is not stored anywhere. AV companies adopt different methods for registering you as an adult (18 years plus); unique login credentials, "tokens".
How long will it take to age verify?
Providing you have valid, accepted types of ID to hand, verification and confirmation is instant. You will not have to wait and no need to worry about how long companies hold your personal information.
Each time I visit this porn site will I have to verify my age again?
This site uses VerifyMy. You only need verify your age with them once; whether on this site or another porn site that uses VerifyMy. So the answer is no. If you've age-verified through VerifyMy on a different site then you will never have to verify on this site. If you've never age-verified with VerifyMy and try to access this site (even as an existing member), you will have to verify your age first (just the once) before you can use the site.
I'm already a member of this site. Will I still need to age verify?
Yes. But once you have verified your age through VerifyMy (the company used by this web site), you'll be able to access this site as an existing member. If you do not verify your age then the members area will show only blurred content. If you do not want to verify your age and would prefer to cancel then please go to
If I don't want to verify my age and I'm an existing member, can I cancel?
You can certainly cancel your membership by going to
What personal information do you have access to once someone verifies their age on your site?
This site provides access to an age-verifying process owned by a third party (e.g., VerifyMy). The process is not on this site and therefore we hold no information or record of the process. Once you have verified your age you are given a unique ID. As a site we can see only which IDs have accessed our site. Most importantly, there is nothing that links your unique age- verification ID with your site login credentials or indeed with any of your personally identifiable information (e.g., your name).